Minimum Wage Inflation or lack of inflation — a disparity

Minimum Wage Inflation or lack of inflation — a disparity

Its been a few years since I’ve been on here, and my last post was a minimum wage post from  So, I thought it fitting to restart with something I shared elsewhere a while back, and someone else shared this past week….


If minimum wage kept pace with executive wages, minimum wage would be $33/hour.

This is a great summary of how to put the big complaint from the whole occupy movement and wage disparity the 1%.


I may add words to this, but for now, just a link and let you think about it.

$33 Minimum wage if it grew like wall street bonuses have (CBS story by AIMEE PICCHI of Moneywatch MARCH 26, 2019 / 9:43 PM) — According to Institute for Policy Studies


For comparison….

Just a quick google search. (Open to changing the link and stat value)

Minimum wage over the years compared to inflation — By Louis Jacobson of Politifact @ The Poynter Institute; Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018 at 3:32 p.m.

“All told, then, the minimum wage has been worth more than it is today for 86 percent of the time over the past 50 years, and less than today’s during 14 percent of that time.”

— UP to $11.76 — vs. The current battle cry of $15 (But then, most of the country that is moving to that number is doing so over a period of years thus inflation may be close)


And $20 with the general economy (Not sure how it differs from inflation) — (Business Insider by  Dec. 22, 2017, 1:15 PM)

— again just a quick google search as I am looking for the main link I’m looking for…




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